* @namespace Themes
* @description - Themes for Microsoft Fluent UI, which is built into the project.
* @tutorial - https://www.aka.ms/themedesigner
export const darkTheme = {
themePrimary: '#bf7e45',
themeLighterAlt: '#080503',
themeLighter: '#1f140b',
themeLight: '#392615',
themeTertiary: '#734c29',
themeSecondary: '#a86f3d',
themeDarkAlt: '#c68954',
themeDark: '#cf996a',
themeDarker: '#dbb18d',
neutralLighterAlt: '#303030',
neutralLighter: '#383838',
neutralLight: '#464646',
neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#4e4e4e',
neutralQuaternary: '#555555',
neutralTertiaryAlt: '#727272',
neutralTertiary: '#f8f8f8',
neutralSecondary: '#f9f9f9',
neutralPrimaryAlt: '#fafafa',
neutralPrimary: '#f5f5f5',
neutralDark: '#fdfdfd',
black: '#fefefe',
white: '#252525',
export const lightTheme = {
themePrimary: '#0078d4',
themeLighterAlt: '#eff6fc',
themeLighter: '#deecf9',
themeLight: '#c7e0f4',
themeTertiary: '#71afe5',
themeSecondary: '#2b88d8',
themeDarkAlt: '#106ebe',
themeDark: '#005a9e',
themeDarker: '#004578',
neutralLighterAlt: '#faf9f8',
neutralLighter: '#f3f2f1',
neutralLight: '#edebe9',
neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#e1dfdd',
neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0',
neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c6c4',
neutralTertiary: '#a19f9d',
neutralSecondary: '#605e5c',
neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3b3a39',
neutralPrimary: '#323130',
neutralDark: '#201f1e',
black: '#252525',
white: '#fefefe',
* @description - Function to toggle theme pallet
export const togglePalette = (theme) => {
const setProperty = (item, value) => {
const root = window.document.documentElement;
root.style.setProperty(item, value);
const setDark = () => {
setProperty('--active-state', 'rgba(254, 254, 254, .2)');
setProperty('--background-color', 'rgba(254, 254, 254, .5)');
setProperty('--black', '#252525');
setProperty('--border', 'solid 1px rgba(254, 254, 254, .1)');
setProperty('--hover-state', 'rgba(254, 254, 254, .1)');
setProperty('--loading-background-color', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)');
setProperty('--primary', '#bf7e45');
setProperty('--white', '#fefefe');
const setLight = () => {
setProperty('--active-state', 'rgba(37, 37, 37, .2)');
setProperty('--background-color', 'rgba(37, 37, 37, .5)');
setProperty('--black', '#fefefe');
setProperty('--border', 'solid 1px rgba(37, 37, 37, .25)');
setProperty('--hover-state', 'rgba(37, 37, 37, .1)');
setProperty('--loading-background-color', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .75)');
setProperty('--primary', '#0078d4');
setProperty('--white', '#252525');
if(theme === 'light') setLight();
else setDark();